Native Right-To-Left (RTL) Support for both Gantry and independent theme elements such as module styling.
The Gantry grid system will automatically invert the placement of module positions inside a given row when RTL mode is detected from WordPress. The template is prebuilt with CSS styles and Images that are peculiar to RTL.
Built with the Gantry Framework with the 960 grid system and an intuitive, extensive administrative interface.
Gantry is the framework that rests at the foundation of our latest RocketTheme themes, providing an extensive and powerful core to extend the feature set and functions of our themes exponentially, making them even more flexible.
Fourteen Widget Variations, ranging from color styles to structural variants, allowing for individual widget control.
14 widget hilites to provide variations, color and/or structural, in your site for your modular content, these are: bg1-5, title1-5, flush, flushtop, flushbottom & basic. All can be previewed in the Widget Variations page.